WNBA Newsletter - December 2021

I’ve been involved with the WNBA for years and yes, we know we have a branding problem. Last week, at our Roundup of Best Books for Gifts event, I, along with other members and a few surprise guests, brainstormed a new motto. WNBA - Books, not Basketballs.

The Boston Chapter of the Women’s National Book Association was founded 70 years ago. We serve people of all gender identities in the greater Boston area who are interested in writing, publishing, and the world of books. We offer networking opportunities, educational events, and programs both locally and nationally that aim to uplift and to serve the mission of the organization which is to promote equality in the world of arts and letters for women and other marginalized groups in the publishing industry.

Here’s December’s newsletter. We’ve got a great calendar of events. Subscribe and join us. We have fun at the WNBA!

Hello Bookwomen!

It was a treat to virtually spend an hour last Wednesday with WNBA members and our special surprise guests, authors Bettye Kearse, (THE OTHER MADISONS), Crystal King (FEAST OF SORROW, THE CHEF'S SECRET), and Erica Ferencik (THE RIVER AT NIGHT, INTO THE JUNGLE, GIRL IN ICE- 3/1/22 release) for our Roundup of best books for gifts event. I wholeheartedly recommend every single book by these talented women!

In addition to chatting about their own books, Bettye, Crystal, and Erica, each shared their own recommendations.

L to R Bettye Kearse, Crystal King, Erica Ferencik

Bettye Kearse recommends THE UNDEFEATED, by Kwame Alexander, MARCH, by John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell, OBAMA: AN INTIMATE PORTRAIT by Pete Souza, and HARLEM SHUFFLE by Colson Whitehead.

Crystal King recommends THE GENERAL'S COOK by Ramin Ganeshram, THE ANDY WARHOL DIARIES, ZONE ONE, by Colson Whitehead, THE DANGERS OF AN ORDINARY NIGHT, by Lynne Reeves, and INVISIBLE CITIES by Italo Calvino.

Erica Ferencik recommends THE PUSH, by Ashley Audrain, THE NEED, by Helen Phillips, THE NORTH WATER by Ian McGuire, and A RELIABLE WIFE by Robert Goolrick.

And from my bookshelf, I recommend GARLIC AND SAPPHIRES by Ruth Reichl, and SIMPLY JULIA: 110 Easy Recipes for Healthy Comfort Food by Julia Turshen.

We also talked about tea (Roasted Dandelion Root with a pinch of sugar) and how great bookstores are for non-book gifts (My new coaster from Silver Unicorn Bookstore in Acton reads Some things are better left unsaid. Which I generally realize right after I have said them.)

A big thanks to Virginia Pye, Board Member at Large and author of SHELF LIFE OF HAPPINESS, RIVERS OF DUST, and DREAMS OF THE RED PHOENIX, who joined in the conversation and to our Chapter President, Annie Stone for her seamless tech support.

As we're thinking of what we can do or get for others, let's remember to do or get something for ourselves. I bought myself a coaster because it makes me smile. I'll buy myself a stack of books because I support authors and bookstores but also because these days, a mental escape is safer than a physical one.

Virtual events are how we now connect with our communities. Make yourself a cozy cup of tea and join us! January 12th, we'll learn how to deepen innate skills as storytellers through the practice of mindful writing with Lara Wilson, MA, GCMS, curator of the Concord Festival of Authors and founder of Be Well Be Here. Check out the details and sign up! It's FREE for members!

I look forward to seeing you there!

Stay warm!

Deborah Norkin
Communications Chair, WNBA-Boston

Upcoming Boston Chapter Events

January 12, 2022 7 p.m. EST

Write for Life

With Lara Wilson of Be Well Be Here


$15 for nonmembers

Register HERE

Deepen your innate skills as a storyteller through the compassionate practice of mindful writing. Concord Festival of Authors curator and Be Well Be Here founder, Lara Wilson, invites you to take a deep dive into authentic modes of self-expression that bolster empathy and encourage openness to new perspectives. Join us to unfold how narrative arts not only allow us to re-examine experiences, but reveal what evidence-based research shows: that mindful writing practices quiet anxious thoughts, boost the immune system and support healthy mind/body connections for greater wellBEing – and great stories!

February 22, 2022, 7 p.m. EST

Query review night with agents

Carrie Howland, Sarah Younger, and Amaryah Orenstein will share their query wisdom with us. Watch for registration details in January’s newsletter.

March TBD: Great Group Reads with the Bookwoman Book Club!

April TBD: Celebrate National Poetry Month with Pangyrus Literary Magazine

Members, please let us know of any news, publications, or events you'd like to share in our next update by emailing boston@wnba-books.org!

Best wishes,
The WNBA–Boston board

Annie Stone, President
Lisa Paige, Programs Chair
Deborah Norkin, Communications Chair
Morgan Hillman, Treasurer
Nicole Angeloro, Co-Membership Chair
Mary Coyne, Co-Membership Chair
Jan Krause Greene, Social Media Chair

Lauren Tiedmann, Board Member at Large
Virginia Pye, Board Member at Large

Deborah Norkin